apply for Membership

Free/Discounted Admission At Events, Business Referrals
$100 / Year
(Valid for one year)
$100 / Year
(Valid for one year)
Law Student
$50 / Year
(Valid for one year)

Free/Discounted Admission At Events.

The WBA hosts a variety of events at local Weston establishments, including business networking mixers, CLE presentations and workshops, and community outreach initiatives. Admission is reduced or free which means WBA members enjoy top-notch entertainment for a fraction of the real cost.

Business Referrals

Every WBA member, along with a professional biography, is featured on the WBA website. The WBA endeavors to link every referral inquiry/request to the most appropriate WBA members. Members are urged update their biographies and head shots for the WBA website.

Member Spotlight

WBA members are encouraged to promote themselves and their businesses by posting articles on the WBA Member Announcements and WBA social media. Writing an article for the WBA newsletter is another way the WBA showcases its members and also provides opportunities for our members to educate others about what they do. Write something, or ask us for some more information:
"They always say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
Andy Warhol